About the Director of Free Indeed Ministries Australia
Alison Wellard is the Founder and Director of Free Indeed Ministries Australia. Her novel ‘Caroline-Fractured Identity” is about a young girl in a privileged family who grows up not knowing that she has been a victim of systematic ritual abuse. As a result, she created parts that, as an adult, she never knew she had. The novel charts her journey to eventual freedom in Christ.
“Caroline-Fractured Identity” is available in Kindle Version on Amazon and also in some libraries in the Illawarra region of NSW Australia.
Alison has done extensive research and training into the areas of healing and deliverance and has been involved in her local church for many years, coming alongside of members of the congregation to help them in their healing journey.
Alison has undertaken training in ministry to survivors of ritual abuse and the effects that the abuse can have on a person’s mental health and has completed a series of webinars, courses and exams with Restoration in Christ Ministries thus enabling her to gain more insight into ministry to the severely abused. She says “Many people have been diagnosed with a mental illness when in fact it’s the intolerable situations and the abuse that people have been subjected too, often in the past, that the person has had to endure that has caused deep anguish, torment and inner conflicts! If these can be resolved, then the person can find wholeness in healing of the emotions and memories!”
She has completed two Introductory Units in Clinical Pastoral Education and one Basic Unit comprising of 400 hours in Clinical Pastoral Education with the New South Wales College of Clinical Pastoral Education conducted at Wollongong Hospital through Rozelle Clinical Pastoral Education Centre and has been involved in Chaplaincy work at the hospital.
Her book, ‘Caroline-Fractured Identity’ is based a lot on her own experiences and her journey to freedom. Having received deliverance herself, she understands the ‘in’s and out’s of this vital ministry to the Body of Christ. She has studied numerous articles, and works on the subject including but not limited to;
‘The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance Ministry-Healing through Deliverance.’ By Peter Horrobin (Founder of Ellel Ministries)
‘Restoring Survivors of Ritual Abuse- Equipping and Releasing God’s People for Spirit-empowered Ministry.’ By Patricia Baird Clark.
‘Restoring the Shattered-A Manual of Healing for those suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder.’ By Diane W. Hawkins
‘Christian Counselling and Occultism - A complete Guidebook to Occult Oppression and Deliverance.’ By Kurt E. Koch
‘Occult ABC – Exposing Occult Practices and Ideologies.’ By Kurt E. Koch
‘Between Christ and Satan.’ By Kurt Koch
‘Deliverance from Evil Spirits’- A Practical Manual by Francis MacNutt
‘Victory Over The Darkness – Realizing the Power of your Identity in Christ’ By Neil T. Anderson
‘Confronting Powerless Christianity’ By Charles H. Kraft.
‘Counselling with Confidence. A unique approach to Counselling’ by William D Barr
‘Multiple Identities – Understanding and supporting the Severely Abused’ by Dianne Hawkins
‘The Latent Power of the Soul’ by Watchman Nee
‘The Unseen Realm’ by Dr Michael Heiser
‘Christian Set Yourself Free’ by Graham and Shirley Powell
‘Encyclopaedia of New Age Beliefs’ By John Ankerberg, D.Min, and John Weldon, Ph.D.
‘Encyclopaedia of Cults and New Religions’ By John Ankerberg, D.Min, and John Weldon, Ph.D.
‘The Complete Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling’ By Dr. H. Norman Wright
Vision and Mission of Free Indeed Ministries Australia
Free Indeed Ministries Australia is a prayer ministry dedicated to serving the Body of Christ in the local area of the Illawarra and all over the world, wherever God sends us.
We believe that there are many of God’s people who are simply not fulfilling all that God has for them due to traumatic events that have happened in their lives. This could be as a result of poor choices, accidents, abuse, mental illnesses, domestic violence perpetrated against them and a whole host of other scenarios that one could possibly think of.
The Lord Jesus wants to restore, and bring to maturity, His people so we all can function as He originally intended for us.
The Church is the instrument of The Kingdom! We believe in the one, Holy Universal Church. All who repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and form the living Body of Christ, of which He is the head and of which we are all members.
As far as Jesus is concerned, there are no denominations, no barriers between fellowships, no exclusivity; just believers with one goal and destiny in mind, to serve Jesus Christ and serve each other. Therefore, we will often refer those who need it, to other Christian organizations who we feel may serve them better. These include support groups, Christian psychologists, therapists and counsellors as well as organizations that can help with daily needs.
We accept people for ministry regardless of age, gender or any other religious convictions, however if one truly wants liberation from bondage, and not merely alleviation from the symptoms, then Jesus Christ really is the only answer. We speak from experience as we have all been set free in one form or another from that which held us in bondage. We are just ordinary people who want to share what God has done for us!! Any one can receive healing, however, our desire is to see people walk in the freedom that Jesus Christ purchased for us all on the cross. He paid for our freedom with His own Blood! All we have to do is reach out and take hold of it.
If you need ministry, please contact us to book an appointment. All our ministry is free, however if we refer you to a psychologist or counselor, they may charge you a fee. Your GP is a good first port of call if you need a care plan as it will allow you free visits to certain therapists through Medicare.
Please contact us for further information or to book an appointment!